Monday, January 13, 2014

Bloggin' with a throbbin' knoggin...

Oh, boy, do I love headaches.  I wish I could have one every day, dammit.  I love not being able to hold a thought for any longer than it takes for..........Dammit, I just lost my train of thought.

Anyhoo....Today's blog will be a compilation of random thoughts and......something or other.

Man, crap.......It's that right between the eyes and up through the top of the skull headache.....Freaking awesome.

In my efforts to save money I have had a lot of successes and only a few minor failures.  One such failure was the purchase of cheap tissue paper.  With Puffs you have a soft and gentle material that feels good on a sore nose.  It also smells nice if you are so inclined to purchase the scented tissues.

What I didn't realize was how durable Puffs was.  I didn't make that discovery until I brought home Joe's Cheapo tissues.....or whatever the hell it was called.

I knew I was in trouble when I pulled that first tissue from the box; it had the feel of crepe paper  -- no -- it was more like the thin sheets of seaweed you use to roll sushi.  I was actually half expecting the tissue to crumble in my hand.

Anyway, I mentioned the durability of Puffs.  I grew to appreciate Puffs the very instant I sneezed into this crappy tissue.  With the combination of a powerful exhale, thick snot produced by a lovely cold, a few boogers and who knows what else Joe's Cheapo tissue disintegrated; leaving me staring in mildly horrified disgust at the slimy nasal waste that covered both of my hands.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!"

The next day Karla brought home Puffs......I am so sorry Puffs, I will always be your loyal consumer from here on out.

Man....cripes.....this sucks......Do woodpeckers get headaches?

In our effort to eat healthier as a family we have been trying to limit our consumption of meat to once a day....It's been hit and miss so far but we have been doing it long enough to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that Tera is a not a fan of beans.

Chili she likes, after that it all goes down hill.  Red beans and rice?  "NO"....  Bean counter chowder....."It's okay, I guess."  Hopping John's crock pot bean recipe....."Blech."

Normally when Tera gripes about supper we make her take at least a few bites and then she is free to forage for whatever she can find.

But it is so obvious that Tera doesn't simply not care for beans.....She absolutely detests them.....Or at least she detests everything we have tried so far.

Remember when you were a kid and you were told that you couldn't leave the table unless you ate everything on your plate?  I wouldn't ever make my kids do that.

I once had a rather rotten run in with a plate of okra.

Now pickled okra I like.  Fried okra is awesome.....Boiled okra?  Absolutely disgusting....

I remember mom telling me that I could not leave the table until I finished my okra......and I sat there for what seemed like an eternity.  Which actually didn't bother me because I had homework that I didn't feel like doing anyway; so I was more than content to let the vile green snot pod sit on my plate and get cold.

Mom finally got pissed and told me to get out of the kitchen.  I skipped out of the room thinking I had won a major victory....

Hell, no......Mr. Boiled Okra was waiting for me the next evening....That was some hard eatin'....

I wonder if anyone has ever had a migraine and a hangover at the same time?  I believe that would be the ultimate in cranial discomfort suckage....

I grow to hate winter more and more the older I get.  I have been dreaming lately of a winter home in Belize or Cozumel or anywhere that doesn't have freaking ice on the ground....

But I do have one odd pleasure that I partake in during the cold snap.  I don't know why but I just love to bundle up and walk in the cold.  Wind chill minus eight?  Hell yeah.....Let's go walking.

I usually go with long underwear, two pairs of socks (not White Sox, they suck....Go Cubs) sweat pants, flannel shirt, hooded sweat shirt, hooded jacket, scarf (the one that I got from my sister in law -- who knew scarfs could kick so much ass?) a balaclava, stocking cap, gloves and finally, a pair of insulated overalls.

It is very important that you go to the bathroom BEFORE you layer up....

I love the look that the wife and kids give me when I waddle my Pillsbury dough boy ass out the door.

"Yes, I know, mi familia, I am well aware that I have lost my mind.  I'm off!!!!

I don't know why, I just get this whole 'man against the elements' thing going through my head.  I suddenly find myself daydreaming that I am on an arctic expedition, flag in my hand, ready to plant it on some frozen mountain top.

"Sir, the penguins have turned back...."

"Wussies!!!  I got this....."

Or maybe I'm carrying a back pack full of serum across the frozen tundra to a sick village in desperate need of medicine.

"Sir, we have lost the dogs...."

"Balto will lead them home....I got this..."

Yes....I'm a dork.

And, yes, headaches bring out the best in me.......Man, this throbbing is freaking awesome.....
Just let's me know I'm alive....

Okay. I can't take anymore....I'm out.....

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