Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dog Hair and Couch Covers

I can't wrap my head around it; how is it a long haired dog like my Shih Tzu, Mario, never sheds and my short haired beagle, Wrigley, leaves hair on everything he touches?  I honestly can't figure out how Wrigley has any hair left on his body.

Yes, Wrigley is named after Wrigley Field in Chicago.  I named him Wrigley because: 1. I'm a huge Cubs fan and,  2: When we adopted him is name was Wiggles.....There was no way in Hell I was calling any dog of mine Wiggles.

Anyway, today I set about the task of trying to rid all dog hair from my couch.  I can't remember the last time I actually sat in it because of all the damn hair.  Freaking gross.

It doesn't matter how many times you scold Wrigley and tell him to stay off the couch; as soon as you turn your back he hops right back on and takes a nap.  He's a stubborn old dog.  I may have to start stacking the dining room chairs on the couch before I leave the house.

Anyway, there was a short period of time when a laser pointer worked really well for getting Wrigley off the couch.  Toby would place the red dot on the floor and the old pooch would go nuts trying to catch it.  After a few minutes of chasing the red dot in circles and all around the house Wrigley would tire and just plop down where ever he happened to be a that moment in time.  It was great.

But then Tera ran Wrigley into the wall one too many times and that was the end of that.  Now Wrigley just looks at the little red dot on the floor, then looks at me as if to say, "Yeah, right......Go to Hell."

So, as I'm training Wrigley to stay off the couch (most likely an undertaking doomed to failure) I decided I would try to find and easy way to get the hair off the couch.  Karla says the vacuum doesn't work that well on the couch and a lint roller takes way entirely too long.  So I did what I always do when I'm stuck --- I surf the net.

Whereupon I found this article written by a young woman who raved about how simply taking a rubber glove to her couch took care of the hair problem.  She showed pictures of how the rubber glove, when ran across the couch, would ball up the hair, making it easier to pick up and dispose of.  Okay, simple enough....I'll give it a go.

By the way, I thought about pinning it on my Pinterest account but decided against it.  First, I thought I'd better make sure it actually worked and, Second, the picture of the woman sporting her rubber glove looked a little too excited in her photo.....Like she consumed a little too much happy dust or something.....She was kind of creepy looking.

So Karla grabbed me a pair of rubber gloves while she was out and I set about tackling the couch.

The end result was a boat load of frustration.  I couldn't get the couch cover to sit still when I ran my rubber glove across the couch.  The cover would stick to my glove and just follow it where ever it went.
"Dammit, this sucks!!!" I yelled.  I sat back, ripped off the glove and reflected upon my most recent failure.

Then a thought occurred to me; the woman in the article didn't have a couch cover.  So that would explain why it worked so well for her, the cushions would just stay where they were as the glove went over it.

Then, another thought hit me ---- a couch cover can be removed.  Why am I doing this?

"Shit."  I ripped the couch cover off the couch and threw it in the washer.

So now that that bout of stupidity is over with I may as well pull the cushions off of the couch and clean out what's underneath......Who knows, maybe I'll find a lot of loose change.  That would be awesome.

Nope.....It was not awesome.  This, in fact, is what I found:

Man, when was the last time we cleaned this thing?

When the couch cover had finished in the dryer I pulled it out and told Toby to put it back on the couch.  Here is the end result:

I gave Toby a load of crap...."Dude, that's the best you could do?"

"Yeah, I couldn't figure it out."

"Man, that's lame.......It can't be that hard."

I grabbed a couch cover for the love seat and gave it a shot:

Wow......That is kind of tough.  Let's try this again:

CRAP!!!!  Why can't I figure this out?

Of course, wouldn't you know it, Karla walks in the door after my second failed attempt.

"What are you doing?"
"Whaddya mean, what am I doing?  What's it look like I'm doing?"
"Here, give it to me."  Karla took the couch cover and just like that:

"There," Karla say with smug satisfaction, "It's all in how you line it up."

She made it look so simple......That aggravates the piss out of me.  Oh well, at least it's done.

Stupid couch cover........

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