Thursday, May 22, 2014

Schools Out!!!! Hooray!!!

I was going to post a blog about the crappy birthday I had but changed my mind.

1.  Now that it's over and I've had time to look back on it, DMV withstanding, it wasn't that bad.

2. I really don't like to complain -- ok, I'm lying -- I love to complain.  But only in a way that makes light of a situation.

and 3. Do you really give a shit that I had a bad day?

Actually, the biggest reason for not writing about my ultra mega crappy birthday is that right now I'm simply too giddy and excited to moan and groan about it.

School is out......IT.....IS.....SUMMERTIME!!!!!!!!!

I haven't been this excited about summer since I myself was a kid.  "No more back pack, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!!!!"

My first full summer as a stay at home dad has me so amped up that I can't focus on anything.

On a personal note, I'm excited because I now have a chance to take my physical activity to a whole new level.  In the almost year since I walked away from the full time work force I have made good progress in regards to eating right and getting in shape.  I have slimmed down and, although I have fallen off the wagon a few times since ball season began, my diet has steadily improved.

A side note:  I haven't stepped on a scale since I left my job.  I have no idea what I weigh and don't really care to know.  I determine my shape by how my clothes fit and how I feel.  If my clothes fit and I feel good, then I must be doing something right.

In this long journey called life I have learned that beauty comes in all shapes in sizes and a chart/scale is nothing more than a loose guideline -- if even that.  Find what makes you comfortable, find what makes you happy, and enjoy your life.......(and ignore all those glossy pictures in the magazines you's all photo shopped anyway)

Ok....Side note over.....

I have always wanted a six pack...I have always wanted to train my ass off and get in the best shape of my life....Not to show off, but just to say that I did it.......And now, as school gets out, I have the best opportunity that I am ever going to get to make that a reality.

The best part of this is that I will have the kids at home to push me.  Tera has done the 5K runs and will be there to keep me going.  I will definitely need her help --- I'm not really a fan of running distance.  But, as I said, this is my best opportunity ---- gotta do it.

I am no stranger around the gym and have a fairly good plan for my weight training.  But with Toby there to spot me and to give me new exercises to try that he will learn from summer conditioning, I'm confident that he will be just what I need to get me through those tough days when my motivation is waning.

I'm also quite certain that the kids will see this as a wonderful opportunity to turn the tables on their crusty old coach.

A list of "motivational" phrases that I'm fairly positive that I will hear out of my kids mouths:

1. Suck it up!!!!
2. Keep pushing, you're almost there.
3. NUT UP!!!!  (That would be Toby)
4. That was not good effort and attitude (That would be Tera)
5.  Great job!!! Just one more!!!!
6.  On the hop, or hustle up, or GET YOUR ASS MOVING!!!!!

It's now or never......I'm ready.......I have the right mindset.  If I succeed I will hold my head high and, if I fail, I can at least say that I gave it my best shot. (With a beer in one hand and a slice of pizza in the other...Ha ha!!)

As excited as I am about working out, I'm even more excited about all the family things I get to do with the kids.  At first I told Karla nothing "educational" ie - museums and workshops -- it's summer time dammit!!!!  But, after giving it some thought, I will take them to the library.  Toby, whom I will have to drag to the hall of books, needs to find something other than graphic novels (modern day comic books) and video game manuals to be obsessed about.  Tera, on the other hand, will have no problem with it as she reads constantly.

Both kids will do a lot of cooking this summer.  Toby loves to smoke and grill and he is already talking ribs, pork chops, and chicken.....Damn, my mouth just watered.

Tera and I will be going through all the cook books that my friends (Thank Laura and Stephanie!!) have sent me since they heard about my many cooking failures and Tera's "Hall of Butt"......By the end of summer my picky daughter and I will have made a list of meals that we both agree are edible....The Hall of Butt dies this summer!!!!!!

Most importantly, we are going to be OUTSIDE!!!!!  Fishing, swimming, gardening, hiking, biking (if I ever get my bike fixed) and whatever new activity we can think of....

I haven't talked to the kids about any projects yet that they may want to do but I know that I have two in mind for myself.  I going to build my own minnow trap and turn my garden into a worm sanctuary.

OH!!!! AND THE MATINEE!!!!!  I miss the matinee.  I'd go every week if Karla (the budget weenie  goddess) would let me.  I just love the matinee --- but I will have to be careful about the popcorn.  Extra butter and free refills --- I will eat myself sick........All self control goes out the window when you hand me a big tub of butter saturated popcorn.

Man, the possibilities are endless.  I......CAN'T......WAIT.

Oh,'s 3:15.  Time to pick up Tera for the last time this school year.....Let the party begin!!!!!

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