Monday, December 16, 2013

Tackling the Oven....

Karla sent me this link on my FaceBook account with this picture:

And these directions:

Begin by preheating the oven to 150 degrees (or your lowest setting available). While the oven is heating, put on a pot of water to boil. Once the oven has reached 150, turn it off and pour 1 cup of ammonia into a heat safe bowl or baking dish and place it on the top rack of the oven. Place the pot of boiling water on the bottom rack, close the oven door, and leave them both in the oven overnight. 

The next morning, open the oven and remove both the bowl of ammonia and the pot of water, keep the ammonia – you’ll use it later. Remove the racks and leave the oven door open to air out for 15 minutes. Add 1-2 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid to the ammonia, along with 4 cups of warm water, and using a heavy-duty nylon scrubbing pad dipped in the ammonia mixture, begin to wipe away the softened grease and grime along the sides and bottom of the oven. 

It should be a fairly easy job at this point. Wear some kitchen gloves, since ammonia can be caustic to skin. Rinse/wipe clean with a damp cloth.

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As soon as my eyes came across the word "Ammonia" I had a strong urge to just discard the information straight away and go right into searching for a more natural way to clean my oven...(Which, by the way, never crossed my mind until Karla brought it up......Dammit)

I'm a firm believer in trusting my nose; and ammonia irritates the holy living snot out of it.  Not to mention it irritates my eyes and does a considerable amount of damage to my hands if I opt not to use gloves when cleaning with it. (Only made that mistake once)

Honestly, if any chemical can do all  that to you in a very short amount of time then there is no way in Hell that it can be healthy for you.

In fact, I'm getting ready try out a vinegar solution on my floors in the near future. (Stay tuned) The last few times I mopped the floor with ammonia, I noticed the dogs would bee line to the nearest carpet or couch and wouldn't leave it until the floors were dry......I trust my nose....and I trust my dogs.  The ammonia has to go.  And, no, the lemon scented ammonia isn't any better.  That's like spraying perfume on a wet doesn't hide anything.

Still, after seeing the before and after pictures of the oven Karla sent me, I couldn't help but wonder if this little trick really worked as well as advertised.  I still had some ammonia left in the cupboard so, what the heck, I may as well give it a go......Curiosity killed the cat, you know...

So here is my oven before:


I have a gift for being oblivious to my surroundings.  So it was no shock to Karla that I was completely caught off guard by what I saw....I simply had not idea that oven was in that bad of shape.  My first thought was, "Wow......Can't we just buy a new oven?"

But since I already opened my big mouth and said that I would clean it I simply couldn't just close the door and walk away no matter how badly I wanted to.  So I got to work.

Fast forward......Here is how it looked after:

It was a noticeable improvement but not near the difference of the before and after pictures that Karla sent me.

To be completely fair, I would say that the reason for that is because I didn't follow the directions to the letter.

1.  I didn't let the oven sit over night.  I started this project around 1:30 in the afternoon and was scrubbing on the oven by 7:30.  Had I started later in the evening and left it over night as suggested, that would have allowed the ammonia to work at least another six hours.  I'm willing to bet that that would have made a big difference in the results.

2.  I overlooked the little blurb about using a heavy duty nylon scrubbing pad and, since I didn't have one at the time, I used a disposable mop head which doesn't have anywhere near the scrubbing power of a heavy duty nylon pad....Once again, I'm sure the results would have been a lot different had I actually followed the directions.

In the end, I believe that this cleaning technique can give you the kind of results that are in the pictures that Karla sent me.

But I just can't get past the ammonia.  For the few hours that it sat in the oven I absolutely dreaded going into the kitchen; which really cut into my cookie eating time, dammit!!!!

And the dogs?  Normally a mainstay in the kitchen if there is a human being standing there; wouldn't go near the oven or the kitchen.

It was neat little experiment.....But I won't do it again.

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