Friday, October 25, 2013

Fried Brain....

I just can't seem to focus this week.......

So far, every time I have sat down behind the keyboard with the intent of writing my next blog, I have fallen asleep and gotten nothing accomplished.  Had I been putting my thoughts on paper someone would have come along and used it to wipe with by now.

I'm fairly certain that the new workout has a lot to do with it.  I've been running in the morning, then lifting weights with Toby in the afternoon.  The end result is a full on rebellion by every muscle in my body.  I've been doing the old man shuffle all week long while consuming double the amount of coffee that I usually drink......And I've still found myself taking a nap every day this week.

I think it has become fairly obvious that I need to scale back this new routine for a while.

I have ran......and I have lifted weights....Just never at the same time.

When I ran, I would compliment it with planks and crunches.  I even dabbled a bit in yoga and zumba, but found that neither were my thing.  Yoga bored me to tears and zumba was a disaster.....I can't dance unless I've been drinking...... a lot.

When I lifted weights I only did light cardio; a long walk or a slow, short jog.

So when I put the two together I, ignorantly, didn't think anything about it; I just figured that I could handle it.


I have never tried to lift weights after a 5K run.  The first time I tried it, Toby and I did a total body workout that Toby planned out himself....I had no idea he was a sadist.

It was low weight, high reps, four to six sets of each exercise; and it took us nearly an hour to get through it all.

About half way through I was more than ready to die.  I secretly wondered if Toby knew to call 911 if I  should happen to flop down in a convulsing heap on the living room floor.

Actually, I know exactly what he would do.  He would tell me the same thing I've told him for years when things get tough for him on the baseball or football field:  "Suck it up."

I was not about to put myself in a position to hear that; I would gut this out....I hoped.

So when I finished with the last set of weights, I took a deep breath, exhaled, and felt triumphant....I had made it.

"You ready for the two hundred sit ups?"


I have always hated sit ups.  Mostly because, no matter how good of shape I'm in, my stomach always cramps when I do them.  I tried to talk Toby into doing crunches instead but he just looked at me and said, "Crunches are tomorrow, old man."


Sure enough, I got to fifty and my mid section locked up.

Have you ever poked at a rollie pollie with a stick?  The little bugs instantly curl up into a tight ball and roll around wherever you push them.

Well, that's how I felt when that first cramp hit my stomach; and it hit hard.  I screamed as I struggled to get myself out of the ball that I was involuntarily rolled into.

Mr. Sadist stopped long enough to get a good laugh in.  When I finally got myself stretched out, belly down, on the floor, Toby asked, "How d'ya feel?"

"No more sit ups today."

"That's cool, I got a few more to go, after that we have planks and hills, then we'll be done."

WTH?  The planks didn't surprise me, but I was in no way prepared for hills.

"What do you mean hills?" I asked.

"We still have to get our cardio in."

Shit.  I am fairly certain that you are supposed to do your cardio BEFORE you lift.  But, before all this mess started, Toby and I agreed that this was his baby, and so I rolled with it.

Sprint up hill, walk back down --- ten times; a mile and a half by the time it was all said and done.

Stick a fork in me.....I'm done.  I got through it out of sheer stubbornness; my son is going to be bigger and faster than me one day -- but not this day.  I ignored, as best as I could, the knife blades stuck in my ribs and finally finished the workout from hell.

That was on Monday....and here it is Friday and I still haven't recovered.  It's been bad enough that when Toby told me that he decided to go out for wrestling, and that we agreed to hold off on the father/son workouts,  I kind of jumped for joy.  That says a lot because I am not a fan of wrestling at all.  It may be fun for Toby, but if you've never been to a wrestling meet, it's one long ass numbing experience.  I literally spent an entire Saturday sitting on an uncomfortable bleacher to see my son wrestle three times for a total of less than ten minutes.

But, hey, if he wants to wrestle then by all means go for it.  That means he won't be at home running his old man into the ground.

I'm going to rest as much as I can this weekend and then I'm going to revamp my workouts to something I have a decent chance of surviving.

Hopefully, when the time comes, I'll be ready for the next workout Toby and I do together.

And, even more hopefully, I'll be able to think a little clearer and not struggle to write my blog.

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